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martedì 27 novembre 2012


How is it we learn? How does that thing work? How come I'm 22 and I have no freaking idea of what I am doing or what I want to do with my time? Is this "experimenting" phase ever going to end?
Is the loneliness ever going to feel good at some point? Is the awkwardness ever going to feel ok?
In these moments, the only advice I give to myself is to dance it out.
...If only I wasn't so tired.
But here's what I know: when you're stuck, move your feet - the rest will follow.
And here comes Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, to move me from the inside out.
Be on fire. But in a positive way.

Everybody wants safety, certain, romance love.
I wanna see our bodies burning like the old big sun.
I wanna know what we’ve been learning and learning from.

I’m a man on fire
Walking through your street
With one guitar
And two dancing feet
Only one desire
That’s left in me
I want the whole damn world
To come dance with me

(Oh, come dance with me)

I’m a hunter at bay
Come set you free
Over heartache and shame

I wanna see our bodies burning like the old big sun
I wanna know what we’ve been learning and learning from

Everybody want safety (safety love)
Everybody want comfort (comfort love)
Everybody want certain (certain love)
Everybody but me

I’m a man on fire
Walking down your street
With one guitar
And two dancing feet
Only one desire
That’s left in me
I want the whole damn world
To come and dance with me

(Bah bah bah bah bah)

Yay, yay, come dance with me
Over heartache and rage
Come set us free
Over panic and strange

I wanna see our bodies burning like the old big sun
I wanna know what we’ve been learning and learning from

Everybody want romance (romance love)
Everybody want safety (safety love)
Everybody want comfort (comfort love)
Everybody but me

I’m a man on fire (he’s a man on fire)
Walking down your street (walking down your street)
With one guitar (With one guitar)
And two dancing feet (two dancing feet)
Only one desire (one desire)
That’s still in me (that’s left in me)
I want the whole damn world (I want the whole damn world)
To come and dance with me (come and dance with me yeah)

lunedì 26 novembre 2012

Nuove Recensioni - Forint Productions

Nuova recensione per Forint Productions: ho letto "American Dust" e non ho potuto fare a meno di sbandierarlo ai quattro venti. In questo periodo macino libri e ho un sacco di idee...meglio approfittarne finchè ce n'è!
E, sempre per Forint, pubblico anche due righe su uno dei miei fotografi preferiti...Stay Tuned!

martedì 20 novembre 2012

Mi pubblicano

Trovate un mio (cos'è? un racconto? un brano? uno svarione?) scritto sulla Stanza 251, blog di scrittura e non solo. Date un'occhiata se vi va!

You'll find something I wrote published on "Stanza 251", a blog for writers, photographers etc.
Check it out if you want!

domenica 18 novembre 2012


Sunday Stupid Post.

I've slept very little and uncomfortably, but I was finally held by loving arms - even if it has to be just for one night, it was intense and it was nice. Then, I came home and the universe renewed its immutable laws by showing me the other side of the freaking coin.
And now there's just a few words I need, I really need to say.
Karma Is A Fucking Bitch. 

(There's a but, ladies and gentlemen.)

Today I am happy. Last night I was infused with tenderness and today I woke up with a huge smile on my face, and that's not going anywhere until I say so.
This is me.
On Sunday.
Not giving a fuck about stupid Karma.

Spiderman says so, too.  :)  Have a nice day.

venerdì 16 novembre 2012

November Rage

Novembre porta foglie gialle.
Porta notizie di morte, inaspettate.
Porta venti di rivoluzione o le solite illusioni autunnali di rivolgimenti mondiali.

Sono a casa davanti a uno schermo lucente che trasmette morte 24 h su 24.
Sono a casa davanti a uno schermo lucente che trasmette droga pesante.

Un libro, un libro per favore.

Vestiti, oggetti, scarpe, gioielli - li brucio domani - prometto.
Musica libri immagini - li mangio domani - prometto.
La scatola lucente la distruggo domani - prometto.
Leggo solo i messaggi del cielo - prometto.

Rosso - Fumogeni - Nero - Bombe - Bianco - Lacrimogeni - Giallo - Panico

Scappa per poi tornare.
Corri per poi fermarti.
Un passo indietro mai.

Nero sul viso, Rosso sugli occhi, Bianco in bocca, Giallo nei polmoni.

Non smettere, non smettere, non smettere.
Non aspettare.
Non sperare - non smettere di sperare.
Non sparare - non smettere di sparare.

Leggete un giornale vero ogni tanto.
Poi vediamo quanta voglia avete di andare da McDonald's dopo aver fatto shopping alla Rinascente.

Risentimento, questo è risentimento. Verso un popolo cieco.
American dream un cazzo.
Yes we can un cazzo.

Ti lamenti ma che ti lamenti, pigghia lu bastone e tira fora li renti.
Gaza - Neighborhood after Israeli Air Force attack

Rome - 14th Nov Students and Workers protest against austerity
Jordan - protests against spike in fuel prices to repay the IMF

Greece - Strikes and protests have spread against new austerity measures

lunedì 12 novembre 2012

Like a story told

The rain, it started tapping
on the window near my bed.
There was a loophole in my dreaming,
so I got out of it.
And to my surprise my eyes were wide and already open.
Just my nightstand and my dresser
where those nightmares had just been.
So I dressed myself and left then,
out into the gray streets.
But everything seemed different and completely new to me.
The sky, the trees, houses, buildings, even my own body.
And each person I encountered,
I couldn't wait to meet.

I came upon a doctor who appeared in quite poor health.
I said there is nothing I can do for you
 you can't do for yourself."
He said Oh yes you can. Just hold my hand. I think that would help.
So I sat with him a while and then I asked him how he felt.
He said, I think I'm cured. No, in fact, I'm sure.
Thank you Stranger, for your therapeutic smile.

So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone.
And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow.
But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself.
It is best to compose a poem, an honest verse of longing or simple song of hope.

That is why I'm singing
Baby don't worry cause now I got your back.
And every time you feel like crying,
I'm gonna try and make you laugh.
And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad,
then we will wait for it to pass
and I will keep you company
through those days so long and black.

And we'll keep working on the problem
we know we'll never solve
Of Love's uneven remainders, our lives are fractions of a whole.
But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.
Then I think we would see the beauty.
Then we would stand staring in awe
at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges,
like a story told by the fault lines and the soil.

domenica 11 novembre 2012

Breve storia del mondo

Una breve storia del mondo (video di Kevin Parry) su musica di Kalle Mattson.
Due scoperte interessanti per esser solo domenica mattina.

I woke up with a sore throat, which basically kept me from sleeping at all.
I dreamed about strange things, I don't remember much. I do remember my mother, but it was awful.
Anyhow. I intend to make this day worth living. Maybe I'll start on that panel i meant to decorate weeks ago. Maybe I'll play some music. Maybe I'll study.
I feel so alone, even though physically I'm not. It's the feeling of being alone, it comes from the inside and there's nothing people can do about it. It's me.
I'll try, I'll try harder today.

sabato 10 novembre 2012

B/W summer

I recently developed these pictures from this summer. Resolutions sucks (I mean, really), but I like the atmosphere.
So here they are.

venerdì 9 novembre 2012

Forint Productions & Stuff

Vi farò sapere se riesco a imparare a suonicchiare la mia nuova lucente armonica in Re.
Per ora ho iniziato a leggere questo libro di Kehlmann, e promette davvero bene.
Presto mi cimenterò in qualche commento letterario, aspetto l'ispirazione..

...E mentre aspetto, vi invito a dare un'occhiata a questo blog, con il quale ho intrapreso una collaborazione che spero si riveli interessante. [sorriso]
Il fondatore e ideatore del blog è un mio vecchio compagno di liceo: scrittore, creativo, elettrico. Queste conoscenze ritrovate via internet!
Qui trovate il mio primo post. Enjoy!

martedì 6 novembre 2012



1- Press "PLAY".

2- If you can't listen to music, don't read now.

3- Try not to think for 5 seconds. I beg you.

I've been to the station, a small station in my city, where most of the time trains just come through without stopping. I went there by bike, as the cold strange November air freezed my nose, but not too much. I had to meet with a friend of mine, to talk, to pass the time, to watch trains and pretend we know where we're going to go next. Play pretend. Play pretend.

Talk to me. What's wrong? Nothing, just everything. It'll pass. You promise? I promise.
A train passes by, wind in her hair.
Why is it that things change so much every fucking second?
No. The question is: why can't you fucking accept it and let it go?
Yes, why can't I? Dejar que fluya, he said.

Getting to the point, if there even is one: I was listening to this song heading home - feeling sick of all the anxieties, and the problems, and the people I don't get - and the more its intensity grew, the better I felt.
Does it work for you too? I need to know.

PS. No cheesy metaphors as "trains-opportunities-life-chioces" intended.

domenica 4 novembre 2012

Home Alone

I've slept strangely, dreamed a lot of different things. But I slept.
I walked the dog late in the morning and  as we got back home she refused to eat, because she's freaking stubborn on Sundays.
I'm still wearing my PJs under some random gym pants and a sweater.
I made an extremely creamy cappuccino - too much milk, which means my stomach will probably revolt against me today.
The mess in the kitchen: liquors, shoes, a camera, dishes. Nice dinner yesterday.
I'm letting myself appreciate the "alone time".
And. It. Feels. Damn. Good. 
Now: movie time. The cleaning up process will begin in a couple hours: I want to wallow in my beautiful sunday mess. Because it's mine. And there's no one around to bother me with duties, manners or other annoying stuff.
And. It. Feels. Damn. Good.
Enjoy your own dirty, filthy, untidy, messy Sunday.

sabato 3 novembre 2012

Week End Movies

  #1: Essi Vivono (They Live) - John Carpenter

Una certa atmosfera angosciosa, molto attuale, molto nu-halloween. L'eroe con gli occhiali da sole.

#2: Sacro e Profano (Filth and Wisdom) - Madonna

Eugene Hutz. E ho detto tutto.

#3: Paz! - Renato de Maria

Un cast pazzesco, un film fumettistico, l'affresco di una generazione.

Qesti dovrebbero bastarvi per passare il weekend piovigginoso, se come me non avete fatto programmi particolari per 'sto cazzo di ponte.
Fate scorta di birra e patatine e siete a posto.

giovedì 1 novembre 2012


Ma chambre a la forme d'une cage
Le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre
Les chasseurs à ma porte
Comme des petits soldats
Qui veulent me prendre

Je ne veux pas travailler
Je ne veux pas déjeuner
Je veux seulement oublier
Et puis je fume

Déjà j'ai connu le parfum de l'amour
Un millions de roses
N'embaumeraient pas autant
Maintenant une seule fleur
Dans mes entourages
Me rend malade

{au Refrain}

Je ne suis pas fière de ça
Vie qui veut me tuer
C'est magnifique
Etre sympathique
Mais je ne le connais jamais

{au Refrain}

Je ne suis pas fière de ça
Vie qui veut me tuer
C'est magnifique
Etre sympathique
Mais je ne le connais jamais

{au Refrain}